Get the most out of the games you play and maximise your gaming performance. Each week there will be new articles posted here that will provide tips and advice.
This section focuses on the category of Computer Games. Use the menu above to select a different category. You can find some more related information in the category on Xbox Gaming.
Casual games - take it seriousComputer games has always been popular. More and more people play games all over the world. A new kind of games, such as casual games, has become widespread besides console and large games, distributed on CD/DVD...
Why A PC Is Better Than A Game Console For Online GamingGaming consoles have taken over the gaming community. Companies such as Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony have changed the way we play video games. It used to be common to play computer games, sometimes against another person via the Internet...
Virtual Economy in MMORPGsIn the world of Azeroth, life can be cheap but saving up for that much desired epic mount can take months of labour. Welcome to the World of Warcraft, currently the world's largest MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). In the World of Warcraft...
Final Fantasy XI has performed brilliantly since its launch and has become one of the leading games of its kind. There are going to be plenty of exciting developments for this title in 2006. Its release on a new platform shall see its audience grow even larger...
Tips On Buying Video GamesIs the local retailer's game testing system becoming your primary console? Have you resorted to subscribing to game magazines just to play the included demos? Are you having to go on a forced Ready Rice diet because you can not afford to buy the latest games? Now you don't have to...