Learn how to maximise your computer's performance, and get the most out of the applications you use. Each week there will be new guides posted here that will provide tips and advice.
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Guide To Choosing A Custom Built Desktop ComputerYou are probably familiar with the saying "different strokes for different folks". Well, this phrase rings especially true when it comes to computers and their uses. While a computer may be perfect for one person, it may be useless to somebody else...
Guide to the Best Laptop for GamingGraphics: The best laptop for gaming, will have the best, quickest and latest possible graphics. When considering a laptop with the purpose of gaming make sure to look for the latest graphics card/graphic chipset...
Top Tips To Secure Your Online PCMost of us use a PC these days, but how many of us are really serious about securing it ? Well, not most of us! They just need to get their job done sitting on the PC and hence look no further. But they do find themselves in great trouble when the PC crashes, files are corrupted...
The Internet is a vast resource of information and users all over the world are able to download whatever programs they see fit onto their computer. Unfortunately, having an open connection to the world also can be dangerous in today's online environment...
5 Tips For Buying A LaptopYou're taking the plunge and buying a laptop. If this is your first, you probably are a little considerate about what you should be buying, what to avoid and what the big dollar sign is going to tell you. While there are a number of things to consider when it comes to buying a laptop...
How To Improve Your Computer Speed Almost InstantlyProbably your computer, even though you bought it last year its no longer that much fast. Like any other machine your computer require maintenance and tweaks of its settings. You can easily follow these step by step methods to make your computer faster, better and more enjoyable...
Understanding The Speed Of The New PCI ExpressThe personal computer is constantly changing with such component upgrades for memory, CPU speed and hard drive capacity. And the video display is no exception. The video display consist of a Graphics Card, Monitor, and the Bus...
3 Simple Tips To Make Your Computer Run FasterFirst of all, there are two ways to make your computer run faster: hardware and software. Hardware boosting involves upgrading and adding new components to the computer to increase its speed and performance. Typical upgrades include installing more memory...
With the Internet and computer technology developing every single day, you might want to give your old computer a long break it badly needs. Computer has gone a long way from being just a mere typing machine. If you want to know whether you need to box-up your old computer or buy a new one...
Choose the Best Gaming PC for your NeedsComputer game technology is a rapidly-increasing field. In terms of both hardware and software, companies are constantly striving to push the envelope and increase performance. As the intricacy of individual games increases, however...