Learn how to maximise your computer's performance, and get the most out of the applications you use. Each week there will be new guides posted here that will provide tips and advice.
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Why Choose a Core 2 Duo For Your CPU In Your New High End Computer?It must have been difficult for Intel to watch AMD's Athlon 64 and then the Athlon 64 X2 and FX pretty much take over the performance PC market, putting the once-untouchable chip giant into a position where its only competitive response was to cut prices. Those were dark days indeed. But now...
Laptop or Desktop - Which Computer To Choose?Traditionally, laptop computers were bought by people who had to be able to take their computer with them when they left the office, such as the salesman visiting a customer. It always used to be the case that buying portability meant a trade-off in terms of power and functionality...
Computer Help: Make Your Computer Run Faster!What the heck is Spyware? Spyware is a generic term for programs that install themselves on your computer without telling you that they are there. They run in the background tracking where you go online and sending the information off to the company that built the program...
Gone are the days when a business person needed a desktop at work, a desktop at home, and a large, cumbersome laptop for travel. With the steady march of technology come lighter, more portable laptops with higher performance than ever before...
5 Simple Ways To Increase Your Computer SpeedIf you're a computer expert, you'll probably already know about these tips (hopefully this will provide you with a little reminder). If you're not an expert, don't worry - these tips are simple, and don't require a lot of computer experience...
Arcade Machine Building Tips for GamersIn a recent conversation with my friend and expert arcade machine builder, Emily, I discovered some secrets that had previously kept me from building an arcade machine and also from thinking that I could afford to do so...
Computer Security - Startling FactsWorking on the Internet provides Internet marketers with the opportunity to make a living in the comfort of their own home. Computer Security includes threats such as viruses, identity theft, spyware, adware to name but a few...
High Speed Internet Is A Must-Have For GamersAnyone who has ever played online games knows High Speed Internet (HSI) is almost a must-have purchase. The reasons for this are many, but the proof is in the playing. When it comes to accuracy, speed and ease of use, it just can't be beat. Whether it's a T-1 line, cable or even DSL...
These days many of us use our computers a lot and they seem to be running slower than it did even last week. What is up? Heres some ways to get back that speed and even improve on it a little and what's really cool is they're easy to do and don't cost anything ...
Toshiba Laptop ComputersFor nearly three decades, Toshiba, a Japanese company, has been ranked as one of the top computer manufacturers in the world. Although it has been involved in many aspects of manufacturing and industry since its creation in 1939 by the merger of two smaller firms...